
2021-08-29 08:02:00  人气 46162    名人名言  
  一,我看到啦,你在发光。[br]   i see you shine.[br]   二,你很漂亮,愿人生也能漂亮。[br]   you are beautiful. may life be beautiful, too[br]   三,我爱这艰难又拼进一切的今天。[br]   i love this difficult and all-in-one day.[br]   四,每个人都是在努力,并不只是你满腹委屈。[br]   everyone is working hard, not just you.[br]   五,人生没有白走的路,每一步都算数。[br]   there is no white road in life, and every step counts[br]   六,成人不自在,自在不成人。[br]   adults are uncomfortable and uncomfortable.[br]   七,做好当下的事情,不要想以后种种。[br]   do a good job in the present and don't think about the future[br]   八,当下和未来都在暗示要优秀要有钱。[br]   the present and the future are implying that you should be good and rich[br]   九,妈妈老了。[br]   mom is old.[br]   十,其实你可以只是你太懒。[br]   actually, you can, but you are too lazy.[br]   十一,你就是比别人聪明。[br]   you are just smarter than others.[br]   十二,生活给你压力,你就还它奇迹。[br]   life gives you pressure, and you return its miracle.[br]   十三,也许,最好的生活,是忠于热爱,忠于自己。[br]   perhaps, the best life is loyalty to love and loyalty to yourself[br]   十四,你一定要努力并且要和最好的人相遇,如果你不够优秀遇见也不配拥有。[br]   you must work hard and meet the best people. if you are not good enough, you don't deserve it.[br]   十五,口才是天生的,根本就不是学得,有的和性格有关,有情商高和情商低,有的看书就能看懂吗?[br]   eloquence is born, not learned at all. some are related to personality, with high eq and low eq. can some be understood by reading?[br]   十六,生活自有其节奏 无论什么事都不必太慌张。[br]   life has its own rhythm. you don't have to panic about anything.[br]   十七,人需要挣钱的目的,是选出最适合自己灵魂的那种生活方式。[br]   the purpose that people need to earn money is to choose the lifestyle that is most suitable for their soul[br]   十八,放弃不会更舒服,只会万劫不复。撑住,才有后来的一切。[br]   it's not more comfortable to give up, it's just beyond redemption. hold on, then everything will come.[br] [getwml=97]