
2021-10-04 21:00:00  人气 82005    名人名言  
  lol蛤蟆对谁有嘲讽语言[br]   对蒙多:Your addiction is as exemplary as your intellect.你对痛苦的追求和你的智商一样感人。[br]   对艾克:Your youthful rebellion is as tedious as your hairstyle.人和发型一样中二。[br]   Youthful ignorance is unfortunately your best quality.很不幸,你最大的优点差不多就是中二了。[br]   对菲奥娜:A duel is a fight between two imbeciles... and you are the greatest.决斗是只有两个蠢货掐在一起才会干的事.。[br]   .然而你却是决斗界的大师。[br]   对菲兹:Wouldn't you care to travel to your people's destination?你不想知道你族人们去哪儿了[br]   对盖伦:Are you the waiter of this establishment?你是服务员吗[br]   对纳尔:Your conversation makes as much sense as a fish in lingerie!跟听懂你说话相比,我还是选择死亡吧。[br]   对古拉加斯:Your tastes are as elegant as a broken latrine.你对酒的品位差不多也就是个坏掉的小便池的水平。[br]   对迦娜:Girl, you're as appealing as a cake in the rain.姑娘,你就如淋了雨的蛋糕一样诱人。[br]   (注:a cake in the rain是个梗,出处是Jimmy Webb写的歌《MacArthur Park》,歌词“Someone left the cake out in the rain”用来比喻失恋。[br]   )  对嘉文四世:Anything getting through that gold helmet of yours?你那个金闪闪的头盔里面有脑子么[br]   对贾克斯:Boy, you're a few candles short of a lantern.少年,要玩灯[br]   你还差几根蜡烛。[br]   对金克丝:Girl, if brains were dynamite, you'd be a dud.姑娘,正常人的脑子是炸弹的话,你的脑子应该是个哑炮。[br]   对卢锡安:Could I offer you a bargain to replace your previous engagement?要不然我再给你找个未婚妻[br]   A fool and his love are easily parted.吊注孤。[br]   对璐璐:The enormity of the hat doesn't hide the vacancy beneath it!帽子太大,脑子太小[br]   对娜美:The tides call you sashimi.跟潮汐比起来,你就是一片刺身。[br]   对泽拉斯:A slave's mind is never free, but I suspect you got yours on discount.臣仆的灵魂本来难以获得自由,不过你这解脱的方法也是贱得可以。[br]   对赵信:You're as quick as a turtle on molasses.你慢得和滚在糖浆里的乌龟一样。[br]   对亚索:Your destiny isn't in the wind - it's on the river.你的命运不在风中, 在河道里。[br]   对阿卡丽:Hiding in smoke? Young lady, you're as sharp as a bag of slugs.想躲在烟雾里大杀四方[br]   亲爱的姑娘,你的犀利程度也就和一袋鼻涕虫差不多。[br]   对阿利斯塔:Any pejorative of bullheadedness is pulverised by your magnificence.那些说“某某蠢如牛”的人肯定没见识过您这么登峰造极的存在。[br]   对阿木木:I say, you're as 'fun' as a leaky roof.我说啊,你简直跟漏雨的屋顶一样无趣。[br]   对艾尼维亚:I suppose I must defrost you first.我吃你前大概得解冻一下。[br]   对安妮:Idiocy is often mistaken for innocence.萌萌哒小可爱只不过是熊孩子的另一种叫法而已。[br]   对艾希:Girl, you got as much 'foresight' as a blindfolded mole.姑娘,您的“远见”和无头苍蝇的视力不相上下。[br]   对阿兹尔:An emperor as humble as he is beloved.瞧这个爱装逼又没人爱的皇帝。[br]   Son, your empire was built on sand.孩子,你那个帝国不过是建在流沙上。[br]   You're the emperor - of mashed potatoes and gravy.你确实是个皇帝,不过也就统治统治浓汤土豆泥了。[br]   对布里茨:If your heart is gold and your body is steel, why's tin between your ears?如果你有个金子做的心,钢做的躯体,为啥脑子就省了料只能用白铁了呢[br]   对布隆:You're strong like bull, and smart like cow.你壮如牛.。[br]   .也蠢如牛。[br]   My moustache will eat yours.连我的胡子都能吊打你的胡子。[br]   对科加斯:Personally I hunger for things less literal.我跟你都很饿,但是我毕竟比你饿得有追求。[br]   对库奇:You're as subtle as a gold codpiece.你既有腔调又难以捉摸,可以比作一块镶金的裤裆布。[br]   对德莱厄斯:I presume you are the waiter at this establishment.我猜你大概是这里的服务员[br]   对戴安娜:Girl, you're crazier than a mouse in moonshine.姑娘,你简直比见了月光的耗子还吓人。[br]   对德莱文:At least the rumour of your vanity isn't overrated.不黑不吹,你的自恋程度确实名不虚传对剑魔:Brother, you're as cultured as a crematorium selling barbecue.大兄弟,你的素质和摆摊卖烧烤的火葬场差不多。[br]   对阿狸:You're as modest as a freshly paid courtesan.你优雅得和刚拿了钱的小姐一样 [getwml=97]