
2021-10-08 23:01:00  人气 69351    名人名言  
  1、世界有了您,才有了火样的热情。[br] [br]   The world has you, just has the fire like enthusiasm.[br]   2、吾爱吾师,吾更爱真理。[br]   I love my teacher, I love truth more.[br]   3、师者,所以传道,授业,解惑也。[br]   Teachers, therefore, preach, impart knowledge and dispel doubts.[br]   4、祝您教师节快乐,我们永远爱您![br]   I wish you a happy Teacher's day, we love you forever![br]   5、学贵得师,亦贵得友。[br]   Learning is not only a teacher, but also a friend.[br]   6、难忘师恩,人生旅途精心的呵护。[br]   Unforgettable Teacher's kindness, careful care of life journey.[br]   7、难忘师恩,三尺讲台辛勤的身影。[br]   Unforgettable Teacher's kindness, three feet platform hard figure.[br]   8、孜孜不倦,不计成本。[br]   No matter what the cost.[br]   9、倾情关注,莘莘学子,一路辉煌。[br]   We pay close attention to our students, and we have been brilliant all the way.[br]   10、师情深深永不忘,谆谆教诲犹在耳。[br]   The teacher's affection is deep and never forgotten, and the earnest instruction is still in my ears.[br]   11、有一种光荣的职业,叫老师。[br]   There is a glorious profession called teacher.[br]   12、祝愿您身体健康,工作顺利。[br]   I wish you good health and smooth work.[br]   13、以关爱为支点,撬起知识的大地。[br]   With love as the fulcrum, pry up the earth of knowledge.[br]   14、您是知识启蒙师,播洒希望无数。[br]   You are the enlightening master of knowledge, and you have countless hopes.[br]   15、您的教导,我铭刻在心。[br]   I am deeply impressed by your teaching.[br]   16、前人栽树,后人乘凉。[br]   plant trees for the benefit of posterity.[br]   17、教师节到了,祝福你一生平安![br]   Teacher's Day is coming, wish you a safe life![br]   18、感谢一路有您,祝您一生安康![br]   Thank you all the way, wish you a good life![br]   19、愿您岁岁愉快,年年如意![br]   Wish you a happy and happy year![br]   20、您的声音,总在我耳畔响起。[br]   Your voice always rings in my ears.[br]   21、因为您,我的人生快速升值。[br]   Because of you, my life has appreciated rapidly.[br]   22、投之以桃,报之以李。[br]   A peach in return for a plum.[br]   23、您是大树,开出桃李满天下。[br]   You are a big tree, open peach and plum all over the world.[br]   24、老师是一句话,让人懂事晓情。[br]   Teacher is a word, let people understand.[br]   25、祝敬老师康乐如意,青春永葆。[br]   I wish you all the best in your health and youth.[br]   26、老师,你点亮我的心,谢谢。[br]   Teacher, you light my heart, thank you.[br]   27、莘莘学子心,难忘恩师情。[br]   The heart of students, unforgettable teacher.[br]   28、您用青春,谱写诗歌。[br]   You write poetry with your youth.[br]   29、祝福无所不通的您,教师节快乐![br]   Happy Teacher's day to you![br]   30、您用智慧笔端,写下生命赞歌。[br]   You write down the hymn of life with wisdom.[br]   31、“恩师”,是我们真诚的谢语。[br]   "Teacher" is our sincere thanks.[br]   32、你是灯塔,照亮我们前进的方向。[br]   You are the lighthouse, illuminating our way forward.[br]   33、感谢您为我们所做的一切。[br]   Thank you for all you have done for us.[br]   34、您是光,照亮我前行的路。[br]   You are the light, illuminating my way forward.[br]   35、您用理想,播种学生的荒芜心田。[br]   You sow students' barren heart with ideal.[br]   36、三千桃李遍天下,诗稿喧传叹绝伦。[br]   Three thousand peaches and plums are all over the world, and the poems and manuscripts are so noisy that they can't be separated from each other.[br]   37、您的教诲,常驻在我的心田。[br]   Your teaching is always in my heart.[br]   38、有我成就,恩师带出。[br]   With my achievements, my teacher will bring them out.[br]   39、您是园丁,呵护着祖国的希望。[br]   You are the gardener, taking care of the hope of the motherland.[br]   40、您的教诲,常驻在我心田。[br]   Your teaching is always in my heart.[br]   41、谢老师,教育恩,不可没。[br]   Thank you for your education.[br]   42、谢谢您付出的一切,您辛苦了。[br]   Thank you for all your hard work.[br]   43、难忘记,你的执着不悔。[br]   Hard to forget, your persistence does not regret.[br]   44、群峭碧摩天,逍遥不记年。[br]   A group of steep green skyscrapers, carefree do not remember the year.[br]   45、您辛苦了,亲爱的老师。[br]   You have worked hard, dear teacher.[br]   46、学生祝愿,老师快乐,长寿无疆![br]   Students wish, teachers happy, longevity boundless![br]   47、老师,我们赞美你的美丽。[br]   Teacher, we praise your beauty.[br]   48、信守承诺,不离不弃。[br]   Keep your promise and never give up.[br]   49、我送您郁金香,大吉大利。[br]   I'll send you tulips. Good luck.[br]   50、辛勤培育,守候成才。[br]   Cultivate and wait for talent.[br]   51、您是最美的人儿,老师节日快乐![br]   You are the most beautiful person, happy teacher holiday![br]   52、没有你,我不懂得做人的道理。[br]   Without you, I don't know the truth of life.[br]   53、桃李芬芳,其乐亦融融。[br]   Peach and plum fragrance, the music is also harmonious.[br]   54、您用阳光雨露,哺育我快乐成长。[br]   You use sunshine and rain to nourish me to grow up happily.[br]   55、王师未报收东郡,城阙秋生画角哀。[br]   Wang Shi didn't report to Dongjun, and the city que painted the horn mourning in autumn.[br]   56、您用平凡,抒写伟大。[br]   You express greatness with commonness.[br]   57、送您玫瑰花,魅力常在。[br]   Send you roses, charm is always there.[br]   58、仰止弥高,钻之弥坚。[br]   It's hard to drill down.[br]   59、无尽的恩情,永远铭记心中。[br]   Endless kindness, always in mind.[br]   60、您是马达,推引着每个学子前行。[br]   You are the motor, pushing leads every student forward.[br]   61、老师,祝福你一生平安幸福。[br]   Teacher, I wish you peace and happiness in your life.[br]   62、教师节到了,说一声谢谢您![br]   Teacher's Day is coming. Thank you![br]   63、你用青春耕耘,花园里鲜花灿烂。[br]   You work with your youth, and the flowers in the garden are brilliant.[br]   64、老师是一副画,让人赞美连连。[br]   The teacher is a picture, which makes people praise.[br]   65、愿老师身体健康,万事吉祥![br]   Wish the teacher good health and good luck![br]   66、师恩重如山,学生不敢忘![br]   Teacher's kindness is as heavy as a mountain, students dare not forget![br]   67、加减乘除,算不尽您作出的奉献![br]   Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are not enough of your contribution![br]   68、阳光普照,园丁心坎春意浓。[br]   The sun is shining, and the gardener's heart is full of spring.[br]   69、古之学者必严其师,师严然后道尊。[br]   Ancient scholars must be strict with their teachers, and then be strict with the Tao.[br]   70、倾囊相授,百炼成钢。[br]   Every effort is made to make steel.[br]   71、走上了成功,才知道您的伟大。[br]   Only when you succeed can you know your greatness.[br]   72、鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。[br]   keep loyal and devoted to the last.[br]   73、您是蜡烛,燃烧着自己的青春。[br]   You are a candle, burning your youth.[br]   74、一刻关怀永在心,长成栋梁报答您。[br]   A moment of care in the heart, grow into pillars to repay you.[br]   75、您是热,温暖我的心窝。[br]   You are hot, warm my heart.[br]   76、随风潜入夜,润物细无声。[br]   With wind the spring rain sneaks in night. Silently, it moistens everything.[br]   77、老师的话儿像春雨滋润我的心。[br]   The teacher's words moisten my heart like spring rain.[br]   78、幸福安康,快乐无疆。[br]   Happiness, health, happiness is boundless.[br] [getwml=97]