
2021-10-11 21:01:00  人气 94549    名人名言  
疯狂动物城 中文配音都是谁 急急急急急[br] 我就看到兔警官是季冠霖,应该是给孙俪配音的。[br]疯狂动物城朱迪最后的演讲 When I was a kid,I thought Zootopia was this perfect place,where everyone got along and anyone could be anything.Turns out,real life is a little bit more complicated than a slogan on a bumper sticker.Real life is messy,and we all have limitations,we all make mistakes.Which means,hey,glass half full,we all have a lot in common.And the more we try to understand one another,the more exceptional each of us will be,but we have to try.So no matter what type of animal you are.From the biggest elephant to our first fox.I implore you,try...Try to make the world a better place.Look inside yourself and recognize that change starts with you.It starts with me.It starts with all of us. 在我小时候,我认为动物城是个完美无瑕的地方。[br]在这里大家都和乐相处,任何人都有无限可能。[br]结果,现实生活比起布条上的标语总是复杂了些,现实生活总是一团乱,凡事都是有限度的,我们都会犯错。[br]意思是,就算我们有着各种不同的差异,而当我们试图了解更多时,我们将会更加出色。[br]但是我们一定要去尝试,不论你是什么动物,从我们最大的大象,到我们的第一只狐狸警官。[br]我希望你能去尝试,尝试去让世界变为一个更好的地方。[br]好好看透你自己并了解到改变由你开始,由我开始,也由我们所有人开始。[br]疯狂动物城的兔子的录音笔录的是什么? 犯罪证据[br]疯狂动物城插曲有哪些英文插曲大全 片尾曲主题曲叫什么名字歌曲 主题曲/片尾曲:《try everything》--夏奇拉收音机时的插曲:第一首:R.E.M.的单曲《Everybody Hurts》第二首是Eric Carmen演唱的《all by myself》[br]疯狂动物城中狐狸在缆车中对兔子说的心里话,要完整的,有英汉互译的最好。[br] 急急急 别让他们知道他们能干扰到你。[br]Never let them see that they get to you.现在不会了。[br]I mean not,not anymore.但我也曾经也很弱小和脆弱。[br]But I was small and emotionally unbalanced.像你一样。[br]Like you once.【他回忆小时候那段太长,我不想写英文。[br]“我当时大概八九岁。[br]我一心想加入童子军。[br]所以我妈妈终于凑齐了钱,给我买了一身崭新的制服,因为我想融入进去,虽然我是队里唯一的肉食动物,唯一的一只狐狸。[br]我想要成为童子军的一员。[br]我感到很自豪。[br]......”】那天我学会了两件事。[br]I learned two things that day.一件就是:我绝不再让别人知道他们能伤害到我。[br]One ,I was never gonna let anyone see that they got to me.如果整个世界,都觉得狐狸奸诈狡猾,我就没必要再努力去改变他们的看法。[br]If the world's only gonna see a fox as shifty and untrustworthy...Thete's no point in trying to be anything else.[br]有没有李阳疯狂英语900句录音啊 Lessson 16 Order 顺序英语口语句型:265. He's in line. 他在排队。[br]266. Who’s next? 下一位到谁了[br]267. You're the next. 下一个到你了。[br]268. It’s your turn. 轮到你了。[br]269. This is my first ... 这是我的第一个……270. It’s the last one. 这是最后一个了。[br]英语情景对话:Carol: What's that in English? 那个英文怎么讲[br]Anna: Stew.StewCarlo: Spell it.拼出来。[br]Annd: S-T-E-W.S-T-E-W.Carol: S-t-e-w. Stew, stew.S-T-E-W. Stew, stew.Counterman: Next, next. Who's next?下一位,下一位,下一位是谁[br]Carlo: Uh, I'm not ready yet, thank you.这个......我还没有想好,不好意思。[br]Counterman: Take your time. Next.别着急。[br] 下一位。[br] [getwml=97]