
2021-10-18 21:01:00  人气 114318    名人名言  
[br] 急求一份英语的快板台词,时间大概3分钟左右,台词简单一点,符合少儿的就行了,急急急[br]   英语的快板词可以用美国孩子喜爱的Rap来念。[br]   给你推荐一个不错的Rap:Everybody NeedsSomebodyRefrain:Hey, hey, heyyeah, everybody needs somebodyHey, hey, heyyeah, everybody needs somebodyeverybody, everywhere, everybodyeverybody needs somebodyRap 1No problem at all with human racescome on come on just listen to the bassShake your body and move your budover the top right from the startThis is a song for all of you peoplecome on come on and feel the heatThis is a song for all of you racescome on come on and dance to the beatRap 2No matter if you're black no matter if you're whitecome on people unite uniteThere's no frontier there's no hatejoin all in and don't be lateThis is our song for all creationsThis is our song for all you nationscome on come on and move your feetshake your body get of your sweatRap 3We gonna rock you here, we gonna rock you therewe gonna make you shake almost everywherewe gonna make you dance, we gonna make you movewe gonna make you follow our grooveRap 4Community, community,this is all that we shoutCommunity communitycome on and sing it loudRap 5Australia. India and Bahreincome on people there, gimme a signItaly, Russia and in SpainCome on you people and open your brainRap 6United States, United KingdomHolland, Belgium and in FranceCome on people all over the worldthis our song and this is our dance英快板台词[br]   英语快板词板,乐陶陶,英语很重要。[br]   早晨上见面,good morning说在前。[br]   下午问个好,good afternoon少不了。[br]   别人要是帮了你,thank you千万别忘记。[br]   和女士说话要小心,how old 不要问。[br]   和老外一起聊天时,人家隐私别涉及。[br]   (那说什么[br]   )最好多说说天气,weather可是好话题。[br]   熟人打招呼好办,hello, hi 最常见。[br]   要是分手更简单,goodbye是再见,goodnight是晚安。[br]   打竹板,哈哈笑,听我把好吃的表一表。[br]   apple苹果红红的脸,orange橘子溜溜的酸,pear梨子黄澄澄,banana香蕉月弯弯。[br]   cake蛋糕你爱吃,egg鸡蛋我喜欢,a, an千万分清楚,错了容易出笑谈。[br]   (出笑谈)打竹板,笑哈哈,听我把文具夸一夸。[br]   ruler尺子有刻度,pen有墨水装肚肚。[br]   pencil铅笔细高挑,crayon蜡笔本领高,eraser橡皮擦擦擦,我的文具顶呱呱。[br]   (顶呱呱)还有呢[br]   背着bag上学堂,我的文具里面装,pencil-case铅笔盒,book书本好几样。[br]   sharpener铅笔刀帮我忙,school学校在前方。[br]   (在前方)打竹板,真开心,家庭成员认一认。[br]   father是爸,mother是妈,sister姐妹像朵花,brother兄弟手拉手,family全家乐哈哈。[br]   (乐哈哈)竹板打得响,奥运到家乡。[br]   福娃一亮相,世界眼睛亮。[br]   fish是贝贝,panda是京京,fire是欢欢,antelope是迎迎,swallow是妮妮,组成大家庭。[br]   One world, one dream, 奥运口号大家传,中国处处见笑脸。[br]   Blue, black, red , yellow, green,五种颜色化五环,五个福娃大团圆。[br]   Welcome to Beijing, Welcome to China谁能给我一篇英语快板词,两分钟左右[br]   he book is a truer and higher bond of求英语快板词[br]   急[br]   第一次回答可获2分Celebrate the coming of the Olympic Games take heart flower (group I Allegro) Everyone: Red Sun Rises in the East round, 08 in the Beijing Olympic Games banner fluttering, Qi of the Chinese people on five continents cheers, Realized Our dream of the Chinese people for many years. A: The Olympic Games in Beijing to organize, Proved Our national economic prosperity. From sports weak country to country, People's physique stronger. B: Olympic yacht race in Qingdao to organize, This is also the wish of the people throughout the country, Our friends all over the world. Large carry forward the Olympic spirit. C: match of Olympic sailling full of human feelings, Embodies the principle of unity, friendship and progress and dreams, Green, technology and humanities. Faster and higher and stronger. D: Let's most friendly people of the Quartet, Our most broad-minded, Welcome to the world's athletes, To achieve win Qingdao dream. Everyone: Come on five continents friends, Let us all gathered together.(打板过门) A: Towards the Olympic Games, see action, People were Olympic Xian strength, Much of the motherland dress Beautiful, Everywhere was a sea of flowers is. B: Everybody studies the foreign language diligently, Men, women and children in the classroom, What English, French, Japanese, Korean, German, Spanish, Studies the sound earnestly ringing. C: Quartet were civilized and courteous. Volunteers ready to help. Qingdao friend to the world, Like a kind home. Everyone: Yes, the world friends to Our Qingdao, Like a kind home. (打板过门) D: hey, Our Qingdao city is Beijing Olympic partners, The heart of the city spent release, Fushan Bay, Huiquan Bay, Port is the best match of Olympic sailling. A: Our water Qingdao Shanmei beauty more beautiful, US-famous Pearl of the Orient.The red tile greenery reflects the blue sky,the pleasant weather, warm in winter and cool in summer, B: Our Qingdao extensive excellence has the boldness,Good faith, harmonious warmheartedness, Our most industrious people in Qingdao, Our most kind-hearted people in Qingdao. Group C: China has moved atom Chanted the slogan of the World Gold City, Haier, Hisense, Aucma, Appliance global Granville famous. D: Green Hong Kong efficient vibration world, Among big, Qingdao beer they drink enough, Passion achievements good dream, Only you to Qingdao, Will leave a good impression. A: outside Beijing, Qingdao sailing, With the fan dynamic heart, feelings such as oceans, The Quartet welcomes your first move, Singing for you in the Yellow Sea. B: bright flowers in a smile, People in the warm applause, Beijing Olympic Welcome passengers, People across the country-singing. A: Beijing Olympics will succeed, The Olympic spirit will shine forever! Beijing Olympics will succeed, The Olympic spirit will shine forever! 里面的城市名可作更改[br]   ,答案被采纳可获得悬赏分和额外20分奖励。一人简单快板台词大全[br]   篇一:突遇地质灾要慌,“避险”来帮忙。[br]   发现险情要淡定,认情是首要。[br]   崩塌、滑坡、泥,及时客观报险情。[br]   报告险情若迟延,后续危害恐难料。[br]   待到险情报告已传达,预警发出要跟上。[br]   预警发出信息通,组织人员不慌乱。[br]   地质灾害面前要HOLD住,有序撤出少伤亡。[br]   地质灾害不可怕,关键还得讲方法。[br]   “五步避险”好法子,实施起来效果棒。[br]   地质灾害实难控,“五步避险”是法宝。[br]   常记“五步避险”在心头,灾害防治不再愁。[br]   篇二:打竹板,啪啪响,文化强国我来讲。[br]   文化强国顺民心,重点是创造活力再增强。[br]   改革创新出活力,文化也讲生产力,再发展再解放。[br]   学术艺术讲民主,文化舞台搭宽广,让创造源流快涌淌。[br]   打竹板,啪啪响,文化强国我来讲。[br]   文化载道是古训,核心价值多传唱。[br]   用特色理论来育人、武装党。[br]   理想信念天天讲,还有那爱党、爱国、爱家乡。[br]   打竹板,啪啪响,文化强国我来讲。[br]   科学发展人为本,公民道德要高尚。[br]   道德建设要加强,时代新风要弘扬。[br]   履行义务和责任,要自觉争自觉抢。[br]   真善美得褒扬,假恶丑被打入垃圾箱。[br]   知荣辱、讲正气,诚信成为生活新时尚。[br]   打竹板,啪啪响,文化强国我来讲。[br]   物质生活步步高,精神文化要加强。[br]   围绕人民来创作,文化产品数量多多质量高,让人民吃起精神大餐,心里亮、嘴里香。[br]   基层群众需面向,文化惠民得加强,文化设施多开放。[br]   打竹板,啪啪响,文化强国我来讲。[br]   两个效益都不忘,社会效益第一记心上。[br]   文化事业抓繁荣,文化产业要比那高速列车,跑得快,跑得强。[br]   文化点多面又广,各方面都要抓发展促增强。[br]   以工程和项目为抓手,把公共文化覆盖到角角落落遍城乡。[br]   文化科技要融合,让文化发展插翅膀。[br]   文化工作要开放,要学习他国的经验和所长。[br]   打竹板,啪啪响,文化强国我来讲。[br]   都说文化根,文化魂,文化强国真是抓到了点子上。[br]   强文化,要坚持社会主义先进文化这个总方向,要自觉要自信,要打赢文化强国这场攻坚仗,要创造社会主义文化强国,新辉煌[br]   新辉煌单人快板台词用英语怎么说[br]   单人快板台词英文翻译Allegro line打快板板词,个人版[br]   哎,竹板儿这么一打呀,别的咱不说, 说一说武松打虎,武、二、哥。[br]   话说那么一天,武松抄家伙, 直奔景阳岗,他心里乐呵呵。[br]   要说打虎,还是武二哥, 打了虎,出了名,天下传说。[br]   可没走几里路,他心里暗琢磨: 这山上的老虎它到底多大个儿[br]   是公还是母儿[br]   是高还是矬[br]   是一个,是两个,还是一大窝儿[br]   一个还好办,我跟它能比划, 要是上来七、八个,我可打不过。[br]   (过门儿) 转身刚要走,心里又琢磨: 县太爷为打虎摆了好几桌, 又吃饭,又喝酒,还给我唱歌。[br]   戴红花儿,骑大马,送我上山坡, 这样回去,我可怎么说[br]   我说我感冒,我说我咳嗽[br]   我说我有假条儿我歇两天再说[br]   县太爷听这话准说我念嘬, 众百姓听了我这面子往哪儿搁[br]   (过门儿) 我还得把山上,我还得去拼搏, 打死虎,出了名,我可了不得[br]   最起码的,跟相声大蔓平起又平坐: 什么叫魏文亮,哪个是田立禾, 马三立见了我提前得溜活。[br]   (过门儿) 刚要把山上,心里又琢磨: 这万一出点事儿,这可了不得, 老虎咬脚豆儿,咬我胳肢窝, 我有痒痒肉,一咬哏儿哏儿乐, 咬我后脑勺儿,我可不能活。[br]   把我咬伤了,全家数落我: “谁让你逞能[br]   谁让你这么做[br]   你想成大蔓儿[br]   你想点儿别的辙[br]   你死也不能死,活也不能活, 你成这模样,你算找谁的[br]   ” (过门儿) 武松当时的心情啊,当时不好说。[br]   就跟我参加全国大赛的心情,我看差不多了[br]   武松一看表,呀[br]   时间快到了, 想了半天怎么着,我赶快把酒喝, 喝酒来不及了,先来杯可乐搞笑快板词[br]   打快板play the bamboo clappers[br] [getwml=97]