
2021-11-15 08:02:00  人气 106131    名人名言  
法律格言及英语[br]导语:法律,是国家的产物,是指统治阶级,为了实现统治并管理国家的目的,经过一定立法程序,所颁布的基本法律和普通法律。这里励志故事网的小编为大家整理了30句法律格言及英语,希望你们喜欢。[br][br]1、合意产生法律。[br]Consent makes law。[br]2、民俗具有法律效力。[br]Custom has the force of law。[br]3、法律另有规定的除外。[br]Except as otherwise provided by law。[br]4、凡是法律皆有漏洞。[br]Every law has a loop hole。[br]5、法律管制人,理性管法律。[br]Law governs man , reason the law。[br]6、法律规定得愈明确,其条文就愈容易切实行。[br]The clear legal provisions, the provisions is easy to line.[br]7、法律是无由的理念。[br]Law is mind without reason。[br]8、谁拥有法律,谁就是大多数。[br]One with the law is a majority。[br]9、最终法律饶不了他。[br]The law wil catch up with him in the end。[br]10、程序是法治和恣意而治的分水岭。[br]Program is the rule of law and artificially divide and rule[cqxqz.com]。[br]11、在法庭上,只有证据,没有事实。[br]Evidence in a court of law, only, no fact.[br]12、法令者,民之命也,为治之本也。[br]Law, the lives of the people also, to conquer this also.[br]13、法律地在**面前是没有发言权的。[br]The law is no say in the presence of violence.[br]14、我们因为自由并为了自由而遵守一切法律。[br]Because our freedom and for the sake of freedom and obey all the laws.[br]15、风俗能够造就法律,也能够废除法律。[br]Customs can make laws, also able to scrap the law.[br]16、法是一套权威性的审判指南或者基础。[br]Method is based on trial guide or an authority.[br]17、以无情的目光论事,以慈悲的目光看人。[br]Merciless eyes, eyes to see people with compassion.[br]18、法律与利益同在,依法与文明同行。[br]Law with interest, in accordance with the law and civilization.[br]19、没有法律就没有犯罪,没有法律就没有刑罚。[br]No law, no crime, no law, no penalty.[br]20、无论正义与否,法律就是法律。[br]Law is law, just or not。[br]21、法与自由有关,是人类最神圣可贵的东西。[br]Method associated with freedom, is the most precious things divine.[br]22、一次不公正的判决,其恶果相当于十次犯罪。[br]An unjust verdict, its result is equivalent to ten times of crime.[br]23、腐败源于贪欲的灵魂,公正彰显清廉的品格。[br]The soul of corruption arises out of greed, fair show honest character.[br]24、法律总是把全民的安全置于个人的安全之上。[br]Law always put national security over the safety of individuals.[br]25、法无明文规定不为罪,法无明文规定不受罚。[br]Law has no clear stipulation not to sin, no clear stipulation is not punished.[br]26、除非判决能够得到执行,否则就不应该做判决。[br]Unless judgment can be executed, you should not do judgment.[br]27、立法者三句修改的话,全部藏书就会变成废纸。[br]Legislators three sentences, all books will become a waste paper.[br]28、只有廉政,才能公正。廉政是公正司法的基石。[br]Only honest and fair. Integrity are the foundation of judicial justice.[br]29、法官的品格:金钱买不倒,美色诱不倒,淫威压不倒。[br]The character of the judge: money to buy the beauty the lure to upset pressure.[br]30、一心为公,莫让先贤专美;两袖清风,堪当今世楷模。[br]Hoping for, don't let the sages sole providence; The remain uncorrupted, comparable to the current model.[br] [getwml=97]