形容难过的英语句子 表达伤心的英语语录_心情说说

2022-02-25 09:17:00  人气 91267    名人名言  
难过,是我们人生中十分常见的情绪,无论是生活中的小事,或是我们无能为力的事情,或是无法挽回的事情,都会让我们难过,但有些人能够正确处理情绪,也有些人无法消化情绪,而这些小小的难过便会堆积,从而爆发。[br] 1、A man's journey, alone, wandering.[br] 一个人的旅行,独自的彷徨。[br] 2、The movie will look good, will eventually end.[br] 电影再好看,终究要散场。[br] 3、I do not say, you do not understand, this is the distance.[br] 我不说,你不懂,这就是距离。[br] [br] 4、In order to love you, I missed the person who loves me.[br] 为了爱你,我错过了爱我的人。[br] 5、The setting sun is dark, and the cold wind is weary.[br] 日落天已黑,寒风刺骨知疲惫。[br] 6、Some people see, also underestimate.[br] 有些人,看清了,也就看轻了。[br] 7、Your heart, I do not have access.[br] 你的心,我没有访问权。[br] 8、I don't wanna cry, but I can't hide my tears.[br] 不想哭,眼泪却藏不住。[br] 9、You're all right, but you never know how old you are.你哪里都好,只是无缘到老。[br] 10、Laughter is only an expression, and has nothing to do with happiness.[br] 笑只是个表情,与快乐无关。[br] 11、How can you tie a broken rope.[br] 断过的绳子怎么系都会有结。[br] 12、The world is so decadent, love is beyond recognition.[br] 世界如此颓废,爱情面目全非。[br] 13、How strong is it that you dare to forget it.[br] 是有多坚强,才敢念念不忘。[br] 14、A cold is a very sad disease.[br] 感冒原本是一种很伤感的病。[br] 15、Affectionate but hundred days, enthusiasm is relentless.[br] 深情不过百日,热情终归无情。[br] 16、Walk the same street, go back to the two world.[br] 走完同一条街,回到两个世界。[br] 17、You never entered the play, but I lost myself.[br] 你从未入戏,我却赔上了自己。[br] 18、Don't break my heart, it's you inside.[br] 别伤我的心,里面住的是你。[br] 19、We're all changing, so why should we ever feel the same.[br] 我们都在变,何必感概从前。[br] 20、The parting, my love of exile.[br] 今昔的别离,流放了我的相思。[br] 21、Crazy miss, you are everywhere.[br] 疯狂的想念,哪里都是你。[br] 22、I've been here, waiting for the wind.[br] 我一直在这里,等风也等你。[br] 23、Some people are good friends.[br] 有些人再好,也只能做朋友。[br] 24、When there is real need, there is no company.[br] 真正需要的时候却无人陪伴。[br] [getwml=97]