有哲理的英文句子 有深度的英文短句_优美句子

2022-03-02 07:36:00  人气 46333    名人名言  
其实每个人的一生中都会去领悟不同的道理,有的来自于家庭,有的来自于婚姻,有的来自于朋友。无论如何,我们都要以最好的姿态去迎接未来会发生的事情,只有当自己强大了,才能够在自己的人生中活的精彩。[br] 1、如果没能力把眼前的苟且过好,就暂时不要去想诗和远方。[br] If you don't have the ability to make your eyes look good, don't think about poetry and distance.[br] 2、人的突然长大有时候是一瞬间。[br] The sudden growth of a person is sometimes a moment.[br] 3、不要在意别人在背后怎么看你说你,因为这些言语改变不了事实,却可能会搅乱你的心。[br] Don't care about how others see you in the back, because these words can't change the facts, but they can upset your heart.[br] 4、I am finally going to leave you very slow but very firm.[br] 我终于打算离开你了,很慢,但很坚定。[br] 5、人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下了什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无谓压抑自己。[br] Life is only a few decades, don't leave any regrets for yourself, laugh when you want to laugh, cry when you want to cry, love when you love, and suppress yourself.[br] 6、I want you to be happy. But I want to be the reason.[br] 我想要你幸福,但我希望我是你幸福的原因。[br] [br] 7、时间不会停下来等你,我们现在过的每一天,都是余生中最年轻的一天。[br] Time will not stop to wait for you, every day we are now, is the youngest day of the rest of my life.[br] 8、想了很久还是觉得,钱才是真正治愈心灵的良药。[br] After thinking for a long time, I still feel that money is the medicine that really cures the soul.[br] 9、If we fell in love again I swear I'd love you right.[br] 如果可以再相爱一次,我发誓一定用合适的方式来爱你。[br] 10、命运就像天气,可以尽努力地去预料,但往往出乎意料。[br] Destiny is like the weather, you can try your best, but it is often unexpected.[br] 11、一个人,如果你不逼自己一把,你根本不知道自己有多优秀。[br] One person, if you don't force yourself, you don't know how good you are.[br] 12、I have no sense of security,because I love you too.[br] 我没有安全感,是因为我太爱你……[br] 13、唯有梦想才配让你不安,唯有行动才能解除你的不安。缺一不可。[br] Only a dream can make you uneasy, only action can lift your uneasiness. Indispensable.[br] 14、No matter how far you may fly, never forget where you come from.[br] 无论你能飞多远,都别忘了你来自何方。[br] 15、Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.[br] 行动了不一定会幸福,但不行动就肯定没有幸福[br] 16、好脾气的人不轻易发火,不代表不会发火;性格好的人只是装糊涂,不代表没有底线。[br] A person with good temper does not get angry easily, it does not mean that he will not get angry; a person with good character is just confused, and does not mean that there is no bottom line.[br] 17、Happiness is a person with you boring, rare is both of you don't feel boring.[br] 幸福就是有一个人陪你无聊,难得的是你们两个都不觉得无聊[br] 18、Smile doesn't always prove that a person is happy, sometimes, it only shows that you are strong.[br] 微笑并不总是证明一个人是快乐的,有时候,它只说明一个人很坚强[br] 19、Never stop smiling, not even when you are sad, someone might fall in love with your smile.[br] 永远都不要停止微笑,即使是在你难过的时候,说不定有人会因为你的笑容而爱上你。[br] 20、Early know so stumbles over the heart, see at the beginning don't know each other[br] 早知如此绊人心,何如当初莫相识。[br] 21、We always say the years are the same.,but we don't know whether it is as early as possible.[br] 我们总说 岁月如故 却不知道是否如初[br] 22、那些我们一直惴惴不安,又充满好奇的未来,会在心里隐隐约约地觉得它们是明亮的。[br] Those futures that we have been restless and curious will feel faintly in their hearts that they are bright.[br] 23、别和我说对不起,对不起只能换来你的安心,而非我的释然。[br] Don't say sorry to me, sorry, I can only exchange your peace of mind, not my relief.[br] 24、Have a trip.What the world can give you is always beyond what runs wild in your mind[br] 出去外面走走,这个世界能给你的,往往能比我们一直乱想的东西还多。[br] 25、有酒就去喝,有爱就去爱,一生那么短,再拘谨几下就真的过去了。[br] If you have wine, you can go to drink. If you have love, you will go to love. It’s so short in your life. It’s really a matter of a few times.[br] 26、有些事,只能一个人做。有些关,只能一个人过。有些路啊,只能一个人走。[br] Some things can only be done by one person. Some are closed and can only be passed by one person. Some roads can only be taken by one person.[br] 27、Expectation is the root of all heartache.[br] 期待,是所有心痛的根源。心不动,则不痛。[br] 28、凡事都留个余地,因为人是人,人不是神,不免有错处,可以原谅人的地方,就原谅人。[br] Everything leaves room for everything, because people are human beings, people are not gods, and there are inevitably mistakes. Forgiving people can forgive people.[br] 29、Not everyone can live the kind of life of luxury, but you can have a dull life, a warm home。[br] 不可能每个人都能过上那种奢华的生活,但你可以拥有一个平淡的人生,一个温暖的家。[br] [getwml=97]