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《马男波杰克》经典台词:心灵毒鸡汤句句扎心[br]   导语:美国动画片《马男波杰克》,讲述了一匹中年过气明星马在看似光鲜亮丽的好莱坞生活中思考自身意义的故事。这部片已经更新到第三季,豆瓣评分高达9.6,被许多中国观众奉为“致郁系”神剧。下面是有励志故事网的雄安边为大家整理的里面的经典台词,希望你们能喜欢![br] [br]   1(第四集)[br]   you konw what your problem is?You are trying to be a Zelda,but you're so obviously a Zoe.You can live your happy Zelda life in this happy Zelda town,and pretend you are a happy Zelda,but I know you,and this isn't you .People do not change,Diane,not really.We are Zoes,Diane.We are cynical and we are sad and we are mean.There is a darkness inside you,and you can bury it deep in burritos as big as your head,but someday soon,that darkness is gonna come out。[br]   你知道自己的问题所在吗?你明显骨子里是佐伊,可你偏偏要做萨尔达。你可以在这个萨尔达的城市里过着萨尔达的幸福生活,并且假装自己是幸福快乐的萨尔达,但是我了解你,那不是真正的你。本性难移,黛安,真的,我们都是佐伊,黛安。我们愤世嫉俗多愁善感而又刻薄小气。你内心有黑暗的一面,你可以把它深深地埋在墨西哥卷里,但是不久的将来,你的黑暗面就会出现。[br]   2(第六集)[br]   You konw,it is...it is really hard to have somebody,I don't know,know you,I guess.And you do,uh,know me,Diane.And I know I'm not the perfect guy.I actually kind of hate myself a lot of the time.But when...when I'm with you,I,uh,don't hate muself.I like being around you.[br]   其实,这个世界上很难有人了解一个人,而你了解我,黛安。我知道自己并不完美,其实大部分时间我还有点讨厌自己,但是,我跟你在一起时,我不讨厌自己了。我喜欢跟你在一起。[br]   3(第七集)[br]   —This was a mistake.I've been acting crazy.That phone call just pulled me back to reality.You are right.I don't love you.You don't love me.We're just two lonely people trying to hate ourselves a little less.Maybe that's all we're ever gonna be.Maybe that's all we ever were.[br]   —You know the worst part?I know this was gonna happen and I let muself get excited anyway.[br]   —这样不对,我最近简直疯了。刚才那通电话把我拉回了现实。你说的对。我不爱你。你也不爱我。我们只是两个孤单的人想少恨自己一点而已。可能我们以后会一直如此。可能我们以前也是如此。[br]   —你知道最糟糕的是什么吗?我明知道会这样,可是我还是放任自己为此兴奋。[br]   4(第八集)[br]   You want to think of youself as the good guy.Well,I know you better than anyone,and I can tell you that you're http://not.In fact,you'd probably sleep a lot better at night if you just admitted to youself that you're a selfish goddamn coward who takes whatever he wants and doesn't give a shit about who he hurts.[br]   你总是把自己当成好人。我比任何人都了解你。我告诉你,你不是好人。如果你干脆点承认,自己是个自私自利的懦夫,会随心所欲拿走任何东西根本不在乎伤害到了谁,那可能还会睡得安稳点。[br]   5(第十一集)[br]   —I don't actually even really care what the world thinks about me anymore.I just hated reading that book because I hated feeling like that's how you saw me.Because I guess you know me better than anybody,and if you think that... Um,I guess my question is,do you...Do you think it's too late for me?[br]   —What?[br]   —I mean,an I just doomed to be the person that I am?The...The person in that book?It's not too late for me, is it?It's...It's not too late...Diane,I need you to tell me that it's not too late.[br]   —BoJack,I...[br]   —I need you to tell me that I'm a good person.I know that I can be selfish and narcissistic and self-destructive,but underneath all that,deep down,I'm a good person.And I need you to tell me that I'm good,Diane.Tell me,please,Diane.Tell me that I'm good.[br]   —其实我根本不在乎别人是怎么看我的。我只是讨厌看那本书,因为我在你的眼中是那个样子我很难过。你应该比其他任何人都了解我,如果你觉得…我的问题是,你…你觉得我现在晚了吗?[br]   —什么?[br]   —难道我注定就是这样的人?你书中写的那个人?现在还不晚,对吧?还不晚……黛安,我需要你告诉我现在还不晚。[br]   —波杰克,我…[br]   —我…我需要你告诉我我是个好人。我知道自己自私自恋又有自毁倾向,但是我内心深处,我是个好人。我需要你告诉我我是个好人,黛安。告诉我,求你了,黛安,我诉我我是个好人。(静默) [getwml=97]