
2021-10-14 21:01:00  人气 63655    名人名言  
有谁知道韩国电影《红字》里面9分22秒的那首歌,叫什么... 是不是Only When I Sleep -- 李恩珠。[br]关于韩国电影<红字>...高手进 是叫红字~~跟小说没有关系~~~其这名我觉得是跟小说表达的主题都有些相似吧~~什么被压抑的欲望啦~~隐藏的秘密啊~~~估计应该是有小说的灵感吧~~不知道我说的对不对~~但感觉上是这样~[br]韩国已故女星李恩珠在电影《红字》中开头部分唱的歌叫什么名字[br]真的很好听 Only When I Sleep歌词: You're only just a dreamboatSailing in my headYou swim my secret oceansYou're only just a dreamboatOf coral blue and redSailing in my headYour smell is incense burningYou swim my secret oceansYour touch is silken yetOf coral blue and redIt reaches through my skinYour smell is incense burningAnd moving from withinYour touch is silken yetIt clutches at my breastIt reaches through my skinAnd moving from withinIt clutches at my breastBut it's only when i sleepSee you in my dreamsBut it's only when I sleepYou got me spinning round and roundSee you in my dreamsTurning upside-downYou got me spinning round and roundBut i only hear you breatheTurning upside-downBut I only hear you breatheSomewhere in my sleepGot me spinning round and roundSomewhere in my sleepTurning upside-downGot me spinning round and roundBut its only when i sleepTurning upside-downBut its only when I sleepAnd when i wake from slumberAnd when I wake from slumberYour shadow's disappearYour shadow's disappearYour breath is just a sea mistYour breath is just a sea mistCorrs, TheSurrounding my bodySurrounding my bodyI'm workin' through the daytimeI'm workin' through the daytimeBut when it's time to restBut when it's time to restI'm lying in my bedI'm lying in my bedListening to my breathListening to my breathFalling from the edgeFalling from the edgeBut it's only when i sleepBut it's only when I sleepSee you in my dreamsSee you in my dreamsYou got me spinning round and roundYou got me spinning round and roundTurning upside-downTurning upside-downBut I only hear you breatheBut i only hear you breatheSomewhere in my sleepSomewhere in my sleepGot me spinning round and roundGot me spinning round and roundTurning upside-downTurning upside-downBut its only when I sleepBut its only when i sleepIt's only when I sleepIt's only when i sleepSharon instrumentalSharon instrumentalUp to the skyUp to the skyWhere angels flyWhere angels flyI'll never dieI'll never dieHawaiian HighHawaiian highIn bed I lieIn bed i lieNo need to cryNo need to cryMy sleeping cryHawaiian HighHawaiian highIt's reaching through my skinMovin' from withinIt's reaching through my skinClutches at my breastsMovin' from withinBut it's only when I sleep....Clutches at my breastsBut it's only when i sleep....See you in my dreamsYou got me spinning round and roundTurning upside-downSee you in my dreamsBut I only hear you breatheYou got me spinning round and roundTurning upside-downSomewhere in my sleepBut i only hear you breatheGot me spinning round and roundTurning upside-downSomewhere in my sleepBut its only when I sleepGot me spinning round and roundTurning upside-downUp to the skyBut its only when i sleepWhere angels flyI'll never dieHawaiian HighUp to the skyIn bed I lieWhere angels flyNo need to cryI'll never dieMy sleeping cryHawaiian highHawaiian HighIn bed i lieNo need to cryFade OutMy sleeping cryHawaiian highFade out[br]韩国电影《红字》中,李恩珠在酒吧里演唱的那首英文歌的名字是什么 那首歌叫:A matter of time 下载地址: 歌词: Do you ever think about the ways you're getting older? You sit around and realize your heart is colder There'll come a time you'll think your youth is almost over Did you ever want to turn the hands of time back to your childhood? Back to the time you had it made, you had it so good What would it take to see mistakes before they happen? What would you do with all the choices that you made then? It's just a matter of time It'll all be over (And it makes you wonder) It's just a matter of time Better think about it (How did it go so fast?) It's just a matter of time You know you're gettin' older It's just a matter of time You sit around, you're all alone, the party's over You think about it all again, your thoughts are sober You waste away another day and then it happens You're old and grey, you dream away about your past sins God has a plan worth listening to Not built on sand that is sifting through It's not too late for redeeming the time[br]韩国还有没有像《红字》这种类型的电影。 谁都有秘密[br]、无颜女[br]名字我都不肯定,因为翻译多的去了,红字风格的,并不是很多。[br]我还没区分出来。[br]对美国电影《红字》的影评 海丝特·白兰因犯了通奸罪受到加尔文教派权力机构的惩罚, 胸前佩戴着标志通奸的红色“A”字站在古老的枷刑台上示众。[br]她的手中抱着这个罪孽的证据:一个出生仅数月的婴儿。[br]在人们无情的注视下,她拒绝了年轻牧师阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔提出的忏悔并供出同犯的要求。[br]受过惩罚后,海丝特在城外远离人群的一间小茅屋里住了下来。[br]她以作针线活维生,并细心地照料着她的女儿——珠儿。[br]这时,海斯特的丈夫来到了美国。[br]他满怀仇恨地改名为罗杰·奇林沃思,以医生的身份暗中察访与海丝特通奸的同犯。[br]很快七年过去了。[br]珠儿已成长为一个美丽可爱的小姑娘。[br]而海丝特因为不断热心接济和帮助别人,最终赢得了人们的尊敬,使胸前那本来代表耻辱的红字变成了美好善良德行的象征。[br] 而经过多年的窥探, 罗杰也认定了“道德伟大”的丁梅斯代尔牧师就是那个隐藏的同犯。[br]于是他千方百计地接近牧师, 旁敲侧击,冷嘲热讽,不停地在精神上对牧师进行折磨。[br]海丝特为了使丁梅斯代尔逃离丈夫的阴影,决心带着女儿和他一起逃走,但却被罗杰发现,计划失败了。[br]而对罗杰的恐惧和自己隐瞒罪责的煎熬使丁梅斯代尔的健康每况愈下。[br]终于在离开尘世前夕,他在全体教众的面前,他挽着海丝特和他们的女儿珠儿登上了枷刑台,用以生命为代价的深切忏悔换取了道德上的新生。[br]《红字》,世界文学名著,美国作家霍桑极富争议的作品,曾被屡次搬上银幕,本文所介绍的版本,是1995年罗兰·约菲导演的《红字》。[br]影片本名《The Scarlet Letter》,又译《真爱一生》或《红色禁恋》,故事讲述了一个凄美动人的婚外情故事。[br]丈夫的失踪,造成一个女人与牧师的相爱。[br]肚子的隆起,暴露了女人的奸情,她为自己的“罪孽”遭受囚禁,然而她拒绝说出情夫的名字。[br]婴儿的降生,成了她罪恶的“铁证”,她的胸前被戴上象征不贞洁和耻辱的红色标志“A”。[br]然而,女人独自带着孩子的种种善举,改变着人们对她的认识,也改变着红色标志“A”的本意。[br]丈夫的归来,却打破了这种局面,他查出了妻子的奸夫,开始疯狂报复。[br]故事结果,纷争平息,牧师最终站出,携女人和他们的孩子,离开了居住地。[br]《红字》,一个令人回味无穷的、名片演绎名著的经典故事。[br] [getwml=97]