
2021-10-20 21:01:00  人气 62497    名人名言  
  1、我可以坐上好几个钟头,静静欣赏这世界。[br]   I can sit for hours and enjoy the world.[br]   2、我就是忍不住想她。[br]   I just can't help thinking about her.[br]   3、她怎么能坐在那里,笑得那么漂亮。[br]   How could she sit there and smile so beautifully.[br]   4、原来,只有当危难降临的时候,我们才会懂得,敢于表达的勇气,才是最珍贵的。[br]   It turns out that only when the crisis comes, we will understand that courage to express is the most precious.[br]   5、不管怎么说,我最不希望看到的事情,就是让茱莉以为我在想她。[br]   Anyway, the last thing I want to see is to make Julie think I'm thinking about her.[br]   6、他用那双眼睛看着我,眼睛又变的明亮了,我知道布莱斯·罗斯基还欠我一个初吻,不过不会欠太久了。[br]   He looked at me with those eyes, and they brightened up again, and I knew Bryce rosky still owed me a first kiss, but it won't be long.[br]   7、我们会喜欢谁,喜欢的人会不会喜欢自己,这些是努力就能改变的吗?[br]   Who are we going to like? Will people like themselves? Can these be changed by hard work?[br]   8、我爬得越高,越为眼前的风景所惊叹。[br]   The higher I climb, the more amazed I am by the scenery.[br]   9、有些人朴实无华,有些人光芒万丈。[br]   Some are plain and some are brilliant.[br]   10、重点是诚实,有时候一开始的点点不安,可以为往后省下很多痛苦。[br]   The point is honesty. Sometimes a little uneasy at the beginning can save a lot of pain for the future.[br]   11、我这辈子都在等那个吻。[br]   I've been waiting for that kiss all my life.[br]   12、你站在那里就是整个夏天。[br]   You're standing there all summer.[br]   13、美色当前,忠义让步。[br]   At present, the United States and the United States give in to loyalty and righteousness.[br]   14、再美丽的风景也不值得我的女儿去冒险,朱莉贝尔,是时候下来了。[br]   No amount of beautiful scenery is worth my daughter's adventure, Julie bell. It's time to get down.[br]   15、我讨厌那个小子,风华正茂的年纪,眼里却没有光。[br]   I hate that kid. He's in his prime, but there's no light in his eyes.[br]   16、梦想与现实的冲突,总得一个人来承受。[br]   The conflict between dream and reality must be borne by one person.[br]   17、我迷上了她,彻底迷上了她。[br]   I'm crazy about her. I'm crazy about her.[br]   18、有些人平庸,有些人绚烂。[br]   Some are mediocre, others are gorgeous.[br]   19、树上掉下的苹果它落的地离树能有多远?[br]   How far can an apple fall from a tree?[br]   20、洛斯奇先生外表看起来光鲜体面,但似乎看起来心里装着,什么腐烂掉的东西。[br]   Mr. Losch looked handsome on the outside, but he seemed to have something rotten in his heart.[br] [getwml=97]