
2022-02-13 08:14:00  人气 134670    名人名言  
精美的句子,常常以励志的句子、正能量的句子、唯美的句子、人生感悟的句子、伤感的句子、搞笑的句子等等面目出现,经过时间的淘洗,流传下来的往往简短而有深意。好句摘抄网向您推荐英语慈善格言,希望您能保持好心情。[br]1、慈善也即是给予人们的爱比他们应得到的要多。[br] Charity is also give love people more than they should be.[br] 2、慈善是待人的基础,关怀是友谊的桥梁。[br] Charity is the basis of respect, care is the bridge of friendship.[br] 3、善良是阳光,是雨露,是轻柔的春风,是甘美的清泉。[br] Kindness is the sunshine, the rain, the soft spring breeze, the spring is se a gentleman.[br] 9、高调慈善和低调慈善的爱心是平等的。[br] High-profile charity and loe petition.[br] 18、活在人们尊重中的慈善家,比孤独死在存折单上的守财奴光荣、伟大。[br] people living in respect of philanthropist, passbook in the list of the miser a glorious death than a lonely, great.[br] 19、若无任何慈善之心,你将拥有最严重的心脏病。[br] Without any charitable heart, you will have the most severe heart attack.[br] 20、慈善是心灵的美德,不是双手的美德。[br] Charity is the virtue of the mind, not the hands of virtue.[br] 21、慈善是长征,而且永远没有终点。但慈善不是苦难的长征,而是快乐的长征。[br] Charity is the long march, and forever has no end. But charity is not suffering the long march, but happy long march.[br] 22、善为至宝,一生用之不尽;心作良田,百世耕之有余。[br] Good treasure, using them all his life; Heart as a fertile land, immortal of tillage.[br] 23、慈善能招来吉祥鸟,仁爱可育出幸福花。[br] Charity can bring lucky bird, charity in fertile happy flowers.[br] 24、慈善是公德,参与是本分,人仁献爱心,帮助贫寒人。[br] Charity is morality, participation is duty, benevolence, love to help the poor.[br] 25、慈善是高雅的音乐,每个音符都演奏出人类特有的关爱旋律。[br] Each note charity is the elegant music, playing a uniquely human love melody.[br] 26、慈善公益活动无疑是培育学生慈善仁爱的心灵绿洲的沃土。[br] Charity activities is to foster students with charity the fertile soil in the hearts of the oasis.[br] 27、送人玫瑰之手,历久犹有余香;把你慈善的爱洒给他人,你就是温暖的阳光。[br] Send person rose, is the children of judah have lingering fragrance; Sprinkle your charity love to others, you are the warm sunshine.[br] 28、慈善事业是一项社会性事业,因而我们责无旁贷。[br] Charity is a social cause, and therefore our responsibility.[br] 29、这么多求助我的人,其实我有时候也真的很烦,但是我能帮助他们还是很快乐。[br] So much for help me, in fact, I sometimes really tired, but Im very happy to help them.[br] 30、慈善如同启明星,为人指方向;慈善好像度量衡,处处报标准。[br] Charity as phosphorus, is refers to the direction; Charity as e and I contend for the title of national capital in China.[br] 35、慈善,是人类幸福的源泉,心灵的绿洲,希望的甘泉。[br] Charity, is the source of human happiness, the heart of the oasis, oasis of hope.[br] 36、从事慈善事业的人有两类:一类是光说不做的人,另一类是光做不说的人。[br] people engaged in charity has t benevolence to save this suffering sentient beings to datong of sanctuary.[br] 59、低碳也是慈善,而且是更大的慈善。是对人类的慈善、对地球的慈善、对自然的慈善。[br] Lo the rain, love is like a rainboic to the charity, ways to eliminate the curse of humanity, is the life of the disaster can destroy half.[br] 71、存好心、说好话、行好事、做好人。[br] Kind, fair, and do good, be good.[br] 72、行善是人类之心所能领略到的最真实的幸福。[br] Good is the human heart can enjoy the most authentic happiness.[br] 73、慈善格言正世风,齐襄盛举乐融融,慈心律己无邪念,善意待人你我同。[br] proverbs are the manners of charity, JiXiang event for pleasure, self-disciplined, no evil thoughts, tenderhearted goodwill to be with you and me.[br] 74、对孩子来说,父母的慈善的价值在于它比任何别的情感都更加可靠和值得信赖。[br] For children, the parents of the value of the charity is that it is more reliable and trustworthy than any other emotion.[br] 75、慈善之力万里无敌,慈善能帮人解困、解难。[br] Force of the invincible, charity charity to people in trouble and problem solving.[br] 76、爱与善是幸福,也是真理,是世界上唯一可以幸福的真理。[br] [getwml=97]